A bibliography of criticism on To the Lighthouse


id author title volume edition editor location publisher year pages view citation
1Abe, MasahikoNemusa: Vājinia Urufu Tōdai e.Eigo Seinen/Rising Generation154.9N/AN/AN/A2008524-528Citation 1
2Abel, ElizabethCam the Wicked’: Woolf’s Portrait of the Artist as Her Father’s Daughter.Virginia Woolf and Bloomsbury: A Centenary CelebrationN/AEd. Jane MarcusBloomingtonIndiana UP1987170-194Citation 2
3Adolphs, Svenja, Ronald CarterPoint of View and Semantic Prosodies in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse.Poetica: An International Journal of Linguistic-Literary Studies58N/AN/AN/A20027-20Citation 3
4Albrinck, Meg.Lily the Ethnographer: Discovering Self in To the Lighthouse.Woolf and the Art of Exploration: Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Virginia WoolfN/AEd. Helen Southworth, Elisa Kay Sparks, and Rishona Zimring.Clemson, SCClemson University Digital2006196-202Citation 4
5Allen, Annette C.A Phenomenological Exploration of Time, Self, and Narrative in the Major Novels of Virginia WoolfN/A49.7N/AN/ADissertation Abstracts International19891806ACitation 5
6Allen, William RodneyWoolf’s To the Lighthouse.Explicator 47.3N/AN/AN/A198937-38Citation 6
7Anderson, Idris BakerThe Optative in the Narrative Style of To the LighthouseVirginia Woolf and Her Influences: Selected Papers from the Seventh Annual Conference on Virginia WoolfN/ALaura Davis, Jeanette McVicker, and Jeanne DubinoNew York, NYPace UP1998195-201Citation 7
8Andrés Cuevas, Isabel Ma.“The Swaying Pig and the Toothless Lady: The Role of the Grotesque in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse.”Proceedings of the 30th International Conference of AEDEAN.N/AEd. María Losada Friend, et al.Huelva, Spain:Universidad de Huelva,2007(no pagination).Citation 8
9Anspaugh, Kelly.Circe Resartus: To the Lighthouse and William Browne of Tavistock’s Circe and Ulysses Masque.Virginia Woolf: Reading the Renaissance.N/AEd. Sally Greene.Athens, OHOhio UP, 1999161-91.Citation 9
10Anspaugh, Kelly. Traveling To the Lighthouse with Woolf and Johnson.Virginia Woolf Miscellany 45N/AN/AN/A19954-5.Citation 10
11Asher, Evelyn Westermann.The Fragility of the Self in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse and Christa Wolf’s Nachdenken über Christa T.Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics15.1-2N/AN/AN/A200249-65.Citation 11
12Baldanza, Frank.To the Lighthouse Again.PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America70.3N/AN/AN/A1955548-52.Citation 12
13Banfield, Ann.Time Passes: Virginia Woolf, Post-Impressionism, and Cambridge Time.Poetics Today24.3N/AN/AN/A2003471-516.Citation 13
14Banfield, Ann.Tragic Time: The Problem of the Future in Cambridge Philosophy and To the Lighthouse.Modernism/Modernity7.1N/AN/AN/A200043-75.Citation 14
15Baróthy, Judit.The Androgynous Mind: A Contrastive Analysis of Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse and Boris Pasternak’s Zhenya Luvers’ Childhood.AnaChronist N/AN/AN/AN/A199679-97. Citation 15
16Barrett, Eileen.The Language of Fabric in To the Lighthouse.Approaches to Teaching Woolf’s To the Lighthouse.N/AEd. Beth Rigel Daugherty and Mary Beth Pringle. New York, NY:Modern Language Association of America, 200154-59.Citation 16
17Barzilai, Shuli.The Politics of Quotation in To the Lighthouse: Mrs. Woolf Resites Mr. Tennyson and Mr. Cowper.Literature and Psychology41.3N/AN/AN/A199522-43.Citation 17
18Bassoff, Bruce.Tables in Trees: Realism in To the Lighthouse.Studies in the Novel16.4 N/AN/AN/A1984424-434. Citation 18
19Bate, Jonathan. Arcadia and Armageddon: Three English Novelists and the First World War.Etudes Anglaises: Grande-Bretagne, Etats-Unis39.2 N/AN/AN/A1986151-162.Citation 19
20Bazin, Nancy Topping. Articulating the Questions, Searching for Answers: How To the Lighthouse Can Help.Approaches to Teaching Woolf’s To the Lighthouse.N/AEd. Beth Rigel Daugherty and Mary Beth Pringle.New York, NY: Modern Language Association of America, 2001107-13.Citation 20
21Bell, Ilona.‘Haunted by Great Ghosts’: Virginia Woolf and To the Lighthouse.Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly 9.2 N/AN/AN/A1986150-175.Citation 21
22Bell, Lindsay.Transmitting the Voices, Voyages and Visions: Adapting Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse for the Radio.Languages of Theatre Shaped by Women.N/A Ed. Jane De Gay and Lizbeth Goodman.Bristol, England: Intellect, 200373-88.Citation 22
23Berman, Jessica.Ethical Folds: Ethics, Aesthetics, Woolf.MFS: Modern Fiction Studies50.1N/AN/AN/A2004151-72.Citation 23
24Bernstein, Stephen.Modernist Spatial Nostalgia: Forster, Conrad, Woolf.Virginia Woolf: Texts and Contexts.N/AEd. Beth Rigel Daugherty and Eileen Barrett. New York: Pace UP,199610-44.Citation 24
25Bezrucka, Yvonne.Culture, Memory and Desire: Hannah Arendt’s Politics of Art in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse.Textus: English Studies in Italy 22.2 N/AN/AN/A2009323-339.Citation 25
26Bezrucka, Yvonne.L’estetica di To the Lighthouse: La tentazione della bellezza astratta e il rifiuto delle ‘strane indicazioni’.Quaderni del Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne, Università di Genova7N/AN/AN/A1995291-315.Citation 26
27Bicknell, John W.Mr Ramsay Was Young Once.Virginia Woolf and Bloomsbury: A Centenary Celebration.N/AEd. Jane Marcus.Bloomington:Indiana UP, 198752-67.Citation 27
28Bigliazzi, Silvia.Scultura d’onde: James Joyce e Virginia WoolfAnglistica e …: Metodi e percorsi comparatistici nelle lingue, culture e letterature di origine europea, I: Transiti letterari e culturali; II: TranN/AEd. Giuseppe Sertoli, et al.Trieste, ItalyUniversità di Trieste1999I: 403-12.Citation 28
29Bishop, Edward.To the Lighthouse and the Publishing Practices of Virginia Woolf.Approaches to Teaching Woolf’s To the LighthouseN/AEd. Beth Rigel Daugherty and Mary Beth PringleNew York, NYModern Language Association of America2001136-41.Citation 29
30Blair, Emily. Virginia Woolf and the Nineteenth-Century Domestic Aesthetic: Poetry the Wrong Side OutDissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences63.8 N/AN/AN/A20032866Citation 30
31Blanch, Sophie. Taking Comedy Seriously: American Literary Humor and the British Woman WriterStudies in American Humor 3.15N/AN/AN/A20075-17.Citation 31
32Bloom, Harold, ed. Virginia Woolf’s To the LighthouseN/AMod. Crit. InterpretationsN/ANew YorkChelsea1988N/ACitation 32
33Bloom, Lynn Z.The Dinner HoursCEA Critic: An Official Journal of the College English Association69.1-2:N/AN/AN/A20073-13.Citation 33
34Blotner, Joseph L.Mythic Patterns in To the Lighthouse.PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 71.4 N/AN/AN/A1956547-62Citation 34
35Blume, Donald T.‘Because It Is There’: George Mallory’s Presence in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse.Virginia Woolf Out of Bounds: Selected Papers from the Tenth Annual Conference on Virginia WoolfN/AEd. Jessica Berman and Jane GoldmanNew York, NYPace UP2001258-65Citation 35
36Booth, AllysonMr. Ramsay, Robert Falcon Scott, and Heroic DeathMosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature40.4 N/AN/AN/A2007135-50.Citation 36
37Boren, Lynda S.The Performing Self: Psychodrama in Austen, James and WoolfThe Centennial Review30.1N/AN/AN/A19861-24.Citation 37
38Bosseaux, CharlotteHow Does It Feel? Point of View in Translation: The Case of Virginia Woolf into FrenchN/AApproaches to Translation Studies 29N/AAmsterdam, NetherlandsRodopi2007N/ACitation 38
39Braendlin, Bonnie‘I Have Had My Vision’: Teaching To the Lighthouse as Künstlerroman.Approaches to Teaching Woolf’s To the LighthouseN/AEd. Beth Rigel Daugherty and Mary Beth PringleNew York, NYModern Language Association of America2001148-53.Citation 39
40Brawer, Anna.Ritratto come autoritratto: Al faro di Virginia WoolfN/AUniversità degli Studi di Torino. Dipartimento di Scienze e del Linguaggio e Letterature Moderne e Comparate 2.N/ATurinTirrenia1987N/ACitation 40
41Brivic, Sheldon.Love as Destruction in Woolf’s To the LighthouseMosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature27.3 N/AN/AN/A199465-85Citation 41
42Brogan, Howard O.Science and Narrative Structure in Austen, Hardy, and WoolfNineteenth-Century Fiction11.4 N/AN/AN/A1957276-87.Citation 42
43Brown, Paul Tolliver.Relativity, Quantum Physics, and Consciousness in Virginia Woolf’s To the LighthouseJournal of Modern Literature32.3N/AN/AN/A200939-62Citation 43
44Brown, Paul TolliverRelativity, Quantum Uncertainty, and Consciousness in Twentieth Century British LiteratureDissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 70.7N/AN/AN/A20102525Citation 44
45Bryson, J. ScottModernism and Ecological CriticismModernismComparative History of Literatures in European Languages/Histoire Comparée des Littératures de Langues Européennes 21.Ed. Astradur Eysteinsson and Vivian LiskaAmsterdam, NetherlandsBenjamins2007 591-604Citation 45
46Burgass, CatherineFood for the Soul: Reading Mrs. Ramsay’s Boeuf en DaubeThe Poetics of Transubstantiation: From Theology to MetaphorStudies in European Cultural Transition 27.Ed. Douglas Burnham and Enrico GiaccheriniAldershot, EnglandAshgate200595-103Citation 46
47Burling, William J.Virginia Woolf’s ‘Lighthouse’: An Allusion to Shelley’s Queen Mab?English Language Notes22.2 N/AN/AN/A198462-65Citation 47
48Bush, Glen P.Mrs. Ramsay as the Archetypal Guide in Virginia Woolf’s To the LighthousePublications of the Mississippi Philological AssociationN/AN/AN/AN/A198813-20.Citation 48
49Caillaud, Jacqueline.Virginia Woolf: Promenade au PhareLesbia Magazine229 N/AN/AN/A200346Citation 49
50Caracciolo, MarcoLeaping into Space: The Two Aesthetics of To the LighthousePoetics Today31.2N/AN/AN/A2010251-284Citation 50
51Carey, Catharine GabrielThe Body of Knowledge: The Object of Learning: Epistemophilia and the Desire for SelfDissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences59.7N/AN/AN/A19992517Citation 51
52Carson, BenjaminDarkness beyond the Lighthouse: Virginia Woolf, Charles Baudelaire, and Literary ModernismNebula 2.3N/AN/AN/A200518-33Citation 52
53Carubia, Josephine M.‘The Blessed Island of Good Boots’: Virginia Woolf’s Deployment of Fetishism in To the LighthouseVirginia Woolf and Her Influences: Selected Papers from the Seventh Annual Conference on Virginia WoolfN/A Ed. Laura Davis, Jeanette McVicker, and Jeanne DubinoNew York, NYPace UP1998282-88Citation 53
54Carubia, Josephine M.‘The Higgledy-Piggledy’ Puzzle: A Fractal Analysis of the Patterns of Patterns in Virginia Woolf’s FictionVirginia Woolf and the Arts: Selected Papers from the Sixth Annual Conference on Virginia WoolfN/AEd. Diane F. Gillespie and Leslie K. HankinsNew York, NYPace UP1997260-68.Citation 54
55Carubia, Josephine.Gender and Geometry in Virginia Woolf’s To the LighthouseSemiotics 1996Sources in Semiotics 21Ed. C. W. Spinks and John DeelyNew York, NYPeter Lang199653-61Citation 55
56Caughie, Pamela LHow Do We Keep Desire from Passing with Beauty?Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature19.2 N/AN/AN/A2000269-84Citation 56
57Caughie, Pamela LReturning To the Lighthouse: A Postmodern ApproachApproaches to Teaching Woolf’s To the LighthouseN/AEd. Beth Rigel Daugherty and Mary Beth Pringle.New York, NYModern Language Association of America200147-53.Citation 57
58Chaudier, StéphaneLe Temps contradictoire: Proust et WoolfLe Temps retrouvé: 80 ans après: Essais critiques/Eighty Years After: Critical EssaysModern French Identities 84Ed. Adam WattOxford, EnglandPeter Lang,2009101-116Citation 58
59Christensen, Erik ChristianThe Imperfect Librarians: Myth and Resistance in Marcel Proust, Johannes V. Jensen, Virginia Woolf, and Jorge Luis BorgesDissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences60.7N/AN/AN/A20002477Citation 59
60Clewell, TammyConsolation Refused: Virginia Woolf, the Great War, and Modernist MourningMFS: Modern Fiction Studies50.1N/AN/AN/A2004197-223.Citation 60
61Cobb, Gerald T.From the Dark House To the Lighthouse: The Ramsays as Dysfunctional FamilyApproaches to Teaching Woolf’s To the LighthouseN/AEd. Beth Rigel Daugherty and Mary Beth PringleNew York, NYModern Language Association of America2001114-18Citation 61
62Connolly, MargaretMeredith, Woolf, and the Art of ComedyVirginia Woolf and the Arts: Selected Papers from the Sixth Annual Conference on Virginia WoolfN/AEd. Diane F. Gillespie and Leslie K. HankinsNew York, NYPace UP1997197-205Citation 62
63Crater, Theresa L.Lily Briscoe’s Vision: The Articulation of SilenceRocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature50.2 N/AN/AN/A1996121-36.Citation 63
64Cummins, June Stacey‘Fantastic Fulfillment’: The Problematics of Female Coming-of-Age Narratives in the Modern British NovelDissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences59.10 N/AN/AN/A19993826-27Citation 64
65Cunningham, Bonnie WildeBearing the Pain: Anaesthetics of Impersonality in Modernist FictionDissertation Abstracts International55.3 N/AN/AN/A1994561A-62A.Citation 65
66Currier, SusanLiberation Fables ‘in a Different Voice’: Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse and Margaret Drabble’s The WaterfallAnalyzing the Different Voice: Feminist Psychological Theory and Literary Texts New Feminist Perspectives.Ed. Jerilyn Fisher, Ellen S. Silber, and Carol GilliganLanham, MDRowman & Littlefield1998175-89Citation 66
67Currier, SusanPortraits of Artists by Woolf and JoyceApproaches to Teaching Woolf’s To the LighthouseN/AEd. Beth Rigel Daugherty and Mary Beth PringleNew York, NYModern Language Association of America2001157-62.Citation 67
68Daugherty, Beth Rigel, and Mary Beth Pringle, eds.Approaches to Teaching Woolf’s To the LighthouseN/AN/AN/ANew York, NYModern Language Association of America2001N/ACitation 68
69Daugherty, Beth Rigel, and Mary Beth PringleMaterialsApproaches to Teaching Woolf’s To the LighthouseN/AEd. Beth Rigel Daugherty and Mary Beth PringleNew York, NYModern Language Association of America20013-22.Citation 69
70Davis, LauraReading and Writing: Helping Students Discover Meaning in To the LighthouseApproaches to Teaching Woolf’s To the LighthouseN/AEd. Beth Rigel Daugherty and Mary Beth PringleNew York, NYModern Language Association of America200179-84Citation 70
71de Gay, JaneBehind the Purple Triangle: Art and Iconography in To the LighthouseWoolf Studies Annual5N/AN/AN/A19991-23Citation 71
72Defromont, FrançoiseEcrire, peindre, inventer: Virginia Woolf à l’avant-gardeFemmes Frauen WomenAvant Garde: Revue Interdisciplinaire et Internationale des Arts et Litteratures du XXe Siecle/Interdisciplin 4.Ed. Françoise van Rossum-GuyonAmsterdamRodopi199045-57Citation 72
73Dekoven, MarianneHistory As Suppressed Referent in Modernist FictionELH 51.1N/AN/AN/A1984137-52Citation 73
74Delourme, ChantalDe l’espace au phrasé: ‘Exquisite Shapes’ dans To the LighthouseLa Théorie au risque da la lettreThéorie, Littérature, Enseignement 14.Ed. Françoise SammarcelliSaint-Denis, FrancePU de Vincennes1996151-170Citation 74
75Delourme, ChantalScènes de lecture dans Jane Eyre, To the Lighthouse et Still LifeEtudes Britanniques Contemporaines: Revue de la Société d’Etudes Anglaises Contemporaines12N/AN/AN/A1997133-45, 155.Citation 75
76Derbyshire, S. H.An Analysis of Mrs. Woolf’s To the LighthouseCollege English3.4 N/AN/AN/A1942353-60Citation 76
77Derrickson, Anne LenoreLoss and Recuperation in the Novels of Woolf and DurasDissertation Abstracts International44.10N/AN/AN/A19843056A.Citation 77
78DeSalvo, LouiseWhat Teaching To the Lighthouse Taught Me about Reading Virginia WoolfApproaches to Teaching Woolf’s To the LighthouseN/AEd. Beth Rigel Daugherty and Mary Beth PringleNew York, NYModern Language Association of America200191-96Citation 78
79Di Blasio, FrancescaLa scrittura isotopica e l’explicit indefinito di To the LighthouseConfronto Letterario: Quaderni del Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne dell’Università di Paviae del Dipartimento di Linguistica14.28 N/AN/AN/A1997665-75Citation 79
80Di Michele, LauraLa parola dipinta di Virginia Woolf in To the LighthouseLa tipografia nel salotto: Saggi su Virginia WoolfVoci del Tempo: Studi di Critica Letteraria.Ed. Oriana PalusciTurin, ItalyTirrenia1999167-84Citation 80
81Diment, GalyaSplit Autobiographical Selves: Duality and Autobiography in the Works of Ivan Goncharov, Virginia Woolf and James JoyceDissertation Abstracts International49.6 N/AN/AN/A19881449ACitation 81
82Doyle, Laura‘These Emotions of the Body’: Intercorporeal Narrative in To the LighthouseTwentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal40.1 N/AN/AN/A199442-71Citation 82
83Du, JuanSi yu bian: Daluowei tai tai, Dao deng ta qu yu Hai lang de shen ceng nei hanForeign Literature Studies/Wai Guo Wen Xue Yan Jiu5.115N/AN/AN/A200565-71, 172Citation 83
84Duncker, PatriciaThe Impossibility of Making Writing: Mrs Arbuthnot, Mrs Lewes and Mrs WoolfWomen: A Cultural Review9.3N/AN/AN/A1998312-23Citation 84
85Duran, JaneVirginia Woolf, Time, and the RealPhilosophy and Literature28.2N/AN/AN/A2004300-08Citation 85
86Dymond, JustineModernism(s) Inside Out: History, Space, and Modern American Indian Subjectivity in Cogewea, the Half-BloodGeomodernisms: Race, Modernism, ModernityN/AEd. Laura Doyle and Laura A. WinkielBloomington, INIndiana UP2005297-312Citation 86
87Dymond, Justine‘The Outside of Its Inside and the Inside of Its Outside’: Phenomenology in To the LighthouseVirginia Woolf Out of Bounds: Selected Papers from the Tenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf.N/AEd. Jessica Berman and Jane GoldmanNew York, NYPace UP2001140-45Citation 87
88Edgecombe, Rodney StenningSwinburne’s Tristram of Lyonesse and Woolf’s To the LighthouseExplicator 66.1N/AN/AN/A200711-15Citation 88
89Ehrlich, Susan LynnA Linguistic Analysis of Point of View in FictionDissertation Abstracts Internationa48.11N/AN/AN/A19882860ACitation 89
90Elliott, JeanThe Protean Image: The Role of Mr. Carmichael in To the LighthouseStudies in the Novel12.4N/AN/AN/A1980359-68Citation 90
91Ellmann, MaudThe Nets of Modernism: Henry James, Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, and Sigmund FreudN/AN/AN/ANew York, NYCambridge UP2010N/ACitation 91
92Endo, FuhitoRadical Violence Inside Out: Woolf, Klein, and Interwar PoliticsN/ATwentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal 52.2N/AN/A2006175-98Citation 92
93Esch, Deborah‘Think of a Kitchen Table’: Hume, Virginia Woolf and the Translation of ExamplePerspectives on Perception: Philosophy, Art, and LiteratureReading Plus 3.Ed. Mary Ann CawsNew YorkPeter Lang198979-94Citation 93
94Esch, Deborah‘Think of a kitchen table’: Hume, Woolf, and the Translation of ExampleLiterature as Philosophy/Philosophy as LiteratureN/AEd. Donald G. MarshallIowa CityU of Iowa P1987262-276Citation 94
95Faria, Thereza Maria Lustosa de CastroTo the Lighthouse: A Unidade da Obra-Prima na Cumplicidade da Prosa Poética com a Pintura e o CinemaIlha do Desterro: A Journal of Language and Literature24.2 N/AN/AN/A199065-91Citation 95
96Faris, Wendy B.Bloomsbury’s Beasts: The Presence of Animals in the Texts and Lives of BloomsburyYearbook of English Studies37.1N/AN/AN/A2007106-25Citation 96
97Faris, Wendy B., Steven F. WalkerLatent Icons: Compensatory Symbols of the Sacred in Modernist Literature and PaintingModernismN/AEd. Astradur Eysteinsson and Vivian LiskaAmsterdam, NetherlandsBenjamins2007637-50Citation 97
98Faris, Wendy B., Steven F. WalkerLatent Icons: Compensatory Symbols of the Sacred in Modernist Literature and PaintingModernismComparative History of Literatures in European Languages/Histoire Comparée des Littératures de Langues Européennes 21.Ed. Astradur Eysteinsson and Vivian LiskaAmsterdam, NetherlandsBenjamins2007637-50Citation 98
99Ferguson, JohnA Sea Change: Thomas De Quincey and Mr. Carmichael in To the LighthouseJournal of Modern Literature14.1N/AN/AN/A198745-63Citation 99
100Fleishman, Avrom‘To Return to St. Ives’: Woolf’s Autobiographical WritingsELH 48.3 N/AN/AN/A1981606-18Citation 100
101Flint, KateVirginia Woolf and the General StrikeEssays in Criticism: A Quarterly Journal of Literary Criticism36.4N/AN/AN/A1986319-334Citation 101
102Fluet, LisaHit-Man ModernismBad ModernismsN/A Ed. Douglas Mao and Rebecca L. WalkowitzDurham, NCDuke UP2006269-97Citation 102
103Folsom, Marcia McClintockTransformations: Teaching To the Lighthouse with Autobiographies and Family ChroniclesApproaches to Teaching Woolf’s To the LighthouseN/AEd. Beth Rigel Daugherty and Mary Beth PringleNew York, NYModern Language Association of America2001119-25Citation 103
104Forbes, Shannon‘When Sometimes She Imagined Herself Like Her Mother’: The Contrasting Responses of Cam and Mrs. Ramsay to the Role of the Angel in the HouseStudies in the Novel32.4N/AN/AN/A2000464-87Citation 104
105Fox, Meghan‘The Vision Must Be Perpetually Remade’: An Examination of Ethical and Aesthetic Revisions in To the LighthouseWoolf Editing/Editing WoolfN/AEd. Eleanor McNees and Sara VeglahnClemson, SCClemson University Digital200918-24Citation 105
106Foy, Roslyn Reso, Sanity and Madness; Art and Life: A Study of Community in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse and Mary Butts’s Armed with MadnessAtenea 20.2 [3a]N/AN/AN/AN/A200095-102Citation 106
107Fredrick, John AndrewTriumph and Travesty: Reflexivity and the Artistic Conquest of Nothingness and the Void in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse and Ford Madox Ford’Dissertation Abstracts International46.11 N/AN/AN/A19863345ACitation 107
108Friedman, Betty McClanahamThe Princess in Exile: The Alienation of the Female Artist in Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, and Virginia WoolfDissertation Abstracts International46.3 N/AN/AN/A1985705ACitation 108
109Friedman, NormanThe Waters of Annihilation: Double Vision in To the LighthouseELH 22.1 N/AN/AN/A195561-79Citation 109
110Fu, Kai-Ni K.A Writer’s Interior Voyage toward Writing: A Case Study of the Creative Processes of Virginia Woolf.Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences62.9 N/AN/AN/A20022994-95Citation 110
111Gabler, Hans WalterA Tale of Two Texts: Or, How One Might Edit Virginia Woolf’s To the LighthouseWoolf Studies Annual10N/AN/AN/A20041-29Citation 111
112Gaipa, MarkAn Agnostic’s Daughter’s Apology: Materialism, Spiritualism, and Ancestry in Woolf’s To the LighthouseJournal of Modern Literature26.2N/AN/AN/A20031-41Citation 112
113Gately, PatriciaTen Thousand Different Ways: Inventing Mothers, Inventing HopePaintbrush: A Journal of Poetry and Translation22 N/AN/AN/A199551-55Citation 113
114Gay, PeterIntermittences of the HeartAmerican Scholar73.4N/AN/AN/A200373-77Citation 114
115Genieva, E.Na maiakNovyi Mir: Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal9Trans. E. SuritsN/AN/A1988100-134Citation 115
116Gerend, SaraGhosts of Empire in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse and Elizabeht Bowen’s The Last SeptemberVirginia Woolf: Art, Education, and InternationalismN/AEd. Diana Royer and Madelyn DetloffClemson, SCClemson University Digital200851-56Citation 116
117Giovanni, Flora deTra impersonalitá e autobiografismo: La morte della madre in Virginia WoolfL’impulso autobiografico: Inghilterra, Stati Uniti, Canada … e altri ancoraCritica e Letteratura 63Ed. Michele Bottalico and Maria Teresa ChialanNaples, ItalyLiguori2005247-60Citation 117
118Gisbert, Gora, José SantaemiliaGender and Translation: Virgina Woolf’s To the Lighthouse in FrenchGénero, lenguaje y traducciónQuaderns de Gènere, Sexe i Llenguatge/Cuadernos de Género, Sexo y Lenguaje 1Ed. José SantaemiliaValencia, SpainUniversitat de València2003474-84Citation 118
119Gjurgjan, LjiljanaThe Metaphoric and the Patriarchal in Women’s WritingStudia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia42 N/AN/AN/A1997135-44.Citation 119
120Glorie, Josephine CarubiaMapping the Epistemic Terrain in Virginia Woolf’s To the LighthouseRe: Reading, Re: Writing, Re: Teaching Virginia WoolfN/AEd. Eileen Barrett, Patricia Cramer, and Paul ConnollyNew York, NYPace UP1995155-61Citation 120
121Godwin, Janet LynnVirginia Woolf: Moments of Vision in Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, and Between the ActsDissertation Abstracts International41.7 N/AN/AN/A19813102ACitation 121
122Goldberg, Jennifer‘A Mixture of the Madonna and a Woman of the World’: Virginia Woolf’s Assessment of the MotherJournal of the Association for Research on Mothering10.2 N/AN/AN/A2008171-183Citation 122
123Goldman, Jane, ed.Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse, The WavesN/AColumbia Critical GuidesN/ANew York, NYColumbia UP1998N/ACitation 123
124Goldman, JaneArtist and Feminist Communities of 1910: Post-Impressionism, Suffrage Aesthetics, and Intersubjectivity in To the LighthouseVirginia Woolf and CommunitiesN/AEd. Jeanette McVicker, Laura Davis, and Georgia JohnstonNew York, NYPace UP1999259-68Citation 124
125Goldman, JaneVirginia Woolf and Post-Impression: French Art, English Theory, and Feminist PracticeMiscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies20 N/AN/AN/A1999173-91Citation 125
126Goodenough, Elizabeth N.‘Demons of Wickedness, Angels of Delight’: Hawthorne, Woolf, and the ChildHawthorne and Women: Engendering and Expanding the Hawthorne TraditionN/AEd. John L. Idol, Jr. and Melinda M. PonderAmherst, MAU of Massachusetts P1999226-36Citation 126
127Goring, PaulThe Shape of To the Lighthouse: Lily Briscoe’s Painting and the Reader’s VisionWord & Image: A Journal of Verbal/Visual Enquiry10.3N/AN/AN/A1994222-29Citation 127
128Gough, Val‘With Some Irony in Her Interrogation’: Woolf’s Ironic MysticismVirginia Woolf and the Arts: Selected Papers from the Sixth Annual Conference on Virginia WoolfN/AEd. Diane F. Gillespie and Leslie K. HankinsNew York, NYPace UP199785-90Citation 128
129Graham, Pamela Jill WatsonSkirting the Künstlerroman: Psychoanalysis and the Transformative Artist in Virginia Woolf and Stevie SmithDissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences63.9 N/AN/AN/A20033204Citation 129
130Grant, Wilda LeslieWomen’s Search for Identity in Modern Fiction (1881-1927): Self-Definition in CrisisDissertation Abstracts International49.3N/AN/AN/A1988510ACitation 130
131Greenwald, ElissaCasting off from ‘The Castaway’: To the Lighthouse as Prose ElegyGenre: Forms of Discourse and Culture19.1N/AN/AN/A198637-57Citation 131
132Guth, DeborahVirginia Woolf: Myth and To the LighthouseCollege Literature 11.3 N/AN/AN/A1984233-249Citation 132
133Halliburton, DavidCeremony Is to Being as Interruption Is to Non-BeingVirginia Woolf Miscellany57 N/AN/AN/A20011-2Citation 133
134Handley, William R.The Housemaid and the Kitchen Table: Incorporating the Frame in To the LighthouseTwentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal40.1N/AN/AN/A199415-41Citation 134
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156Ieta, RodicaTime Is (the Matter): Communication of Presence in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse and Ingmar Bergman’s Wild StrawberriesFrom One Shore to Another: Reflections on the Symbolism of the BridgeN/AEd. Sanda BadescuNewcastle upon Tyne, England:Cambridge Scholars2007177-191Citation 156
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189Laurence, Patricia‘Some Rope to Throw to the Reader’: Teaching the Diverse Rhythms of To the Lighthouse Approaches to Teaching Woolf’s To the LighthouseN/AEd. Beth Rigel Daugherty and Mary Beth PringleNew York, NYModern Language Association of America200166-71Citation 189
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199Lilienfeld, Jane‘At Lunch a Few Drops of Something’: The Opium Narrative in To the LighthouseVirginia Woolf and Her Influences: Selected Papers from the Seventh Annual Conference on Virginia WoolfN/A Ed. Laura Davis, Jeanette McVicker, and Jeanne DubinoNew York, NYPace UP199838-43Citation 199
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217Mathis, Mary ShirleneWar/Narrative/Identity: Uses of Virginia Woolf’s ModernismDissertation Abstracts International57.2N/AN/AN/A1996694ACitation 217
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221McArthur, Elizabeth AndrewsFollowing Swann’s Way: To the LighthouseComparative Literature56.4N/AN/AN/A2004331-46Citation 221
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244Niwa-Heinen, Maureen AnneRelational Narrative Desire: Intersubjectivity and Transsubjectivity in the Novels of H. D. and Virginia WoolfDissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences65.4N/AN/AN/A20041381-82Citation 244
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254Oxindine, AnnettePear Trees beyond Eden: Women’s Knowing Reconfigured in Woolf’s To the Lighthouse and Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching GodApproaches to Teaching Woolf’s To the LighthouseN/AEd. Beth Rigel Daugherty and Mary Beth PringleNew York, NYModern Language Association of America2001163-68Citation 254
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257Palls, Terry L. The Miracle of the Ordinary: Literary Epiphany in Virginia Woolf and Clarice LispectorLuso-Brazilian Review21.1 N/AN/AN/A198463-78Citation 257
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267Pierce, Joanna TappPlacing Modernism: The Fictional Ecologies of Virginia Woolf, Winifred Holtby, and Elizabeth BowenDissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences61.7N/AN/AN/A20012734Citation 267
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277Reid, SusanKilling the Angel in the House: Virginia Woolf, D. H. Lawrence, and the Boundaries of Sex and GenderWoolfian Boundaries: Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia WoolN/AEd. Anna Burrells, et al. Clemson, SCClemson University Digital200765-71Citation 277
278Richter, VirginiaThe Differential Construction of Masculinity in the Writings of Virginia WoolfWomen Constructing Men: Female Novelists and Their Male Characters, 1750-2000N/AEd. Sarah S. G. Frantz and Katharina RennhakPlymouth, EnglandLexington2010155-170Citation 278
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281Rubenstein, Roberta‘I Meant Nothing by The Lighthouse’: Virginia Woolf’s Poetics of NegationJournal of Modern Literature31.4N/AN/AN/A200836-53Citation 281
282Rubini, LuisaVirginia Woolf and the Flounder: The Refashioning of Grimms’ ‘The Fisherman and His Wife’ (KHM 19, AaTh/ATU 555) in ‘To the Lighthouse’Fabula: Zeitschrift für Erzählforschung/Journal of Folktale Studies/Revue d’Etudes sur le Conte Populair47.3-4N/AN/AN/A2006289-307Citation 282
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290Schaub, DanielleVirginia Woolf Revisited: Janice Kulyk Keefer’s Rest HarrowPrecarious Present/Promising Future? Ethnicity and Identities in Canadian LiteratureN/AEd. Danielle Schaub, Janice Kulyk Keefer, and Richard E. SherwinJerusalem, IsraelMagnes199697-112Citation 290
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300Shirkhani, KimberlyThe Particularities of the English: Class, Classification and National Identity in the British Modernist NovelDissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences70.4N/AN/AN/A20091288Citation 300
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306Smith, AngelaThresholds in ‘Prelude’ and To the LighthouseCommonwealth Essays and Studies4N/AN/AN/A199739-49Citation 306
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312Southard, Kristine D’OnofrioVirginia Woolf: A Reception History of ‘Mrs. Dalloway,’ ‘To the Lighthouse’ and ‘Orlando: A Biography’Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences63.4N/AN/AN/A20021360Citation 312
313Sparks, Elisa Kay‘The Evening under Lamplight … with the Photograph Album’: To the Lighthouse as a Family ScrapbookWoolfian Boundaries: Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia WoolfN/AEd. Anna Burrells, et al.Clemson, SCClemson University Digital2007164-71Citation 313
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390Brody, Susan L.Law, Literature, and the Legacy of Virginia Woolf: Stories and Lessons in Feminist Legal TheoryTexas Journal of Women and the Law 21.1N/AN/AN/AN/A20111-45Citation 390
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394Church, JohannaLiterary Representations of Shell Shock as a Result of World War I in the Works of Virginia Woolf and Ernest Hemingway.Peace & Change 41.1N/AN/AN/AN/A201652-63Citation 394
395Clair, ErinSearching for Lesbian Literary HistoryFeminist Formations 23.1N/AN/AN/AN/A2011257-263Citation 395
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398Cohler, Deborah.Introduction: Homefront Frontlines and Transnational Geometries of Empire and ResistanceFeminist Formations 29.1N/AN/AN/AN/A2017N/ACitation 398
399Colebrook, ClaireWoolf and TheoryVirginia Woolf in ContextN/ABryony Randall and Jane GoldmanN/ACambridge UP201265-78Citation 399
400Cook, Tim'With several Folds of Blackness on their Eyes': Awakening from the Metaphor of Sleep in to the LighthouseVirginia Woolf Bulletin of the Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain 47N/AN/AN/AN/A201416-22Citation 400
401Crossland, RachelExposing the Bones of Desire: Virginia Woolf's X-Ray VisionVirginia Woolf Miscellany 85N/AN/AN/AN/A201418-20Citation 401
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405Darvay, DanielThe Gothic Sublime in Virginia Woolf's to the LighthouseGenre: Forms of Discourse and Culture 44.2N/AN/AN/AN/A2011129-156Citation 405
406Dauber, Maayan P. Upheavals of Intimacy in to the LighthouseVirginia Woolf: Writing the World.N/APamela L. Caughie and Diana L. SwansonN/AClemson University Digital2015185-190Citation 406
407Davis, BrookeCatching the Light: Finding Words for Grief with Lewis, Didion and WoolfTEXT: Journal of Writing and Writing Courses 16.2N/AN/AN/AN/A2012N/ACitation 407
408Delsandro, Erica GeneModernism and Memorials: Virginia Woolf and Christopher IsherwoodVirginia Woolf: Writing the World.N/APamela L. Caughie and Diana L. SwansonN/AClemson University Digital201530-36Citation 408
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